Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

Client: Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 
Contractor: Rožnov pod Radhoštěm 
Cooperation: Eliška Fenclová 
Year: 2021 
Status: Unrealized
Type: Visual Identity, Branding 

Rožnov ~ The town described by adjectives
When you say Rožnov, perhaps everyone thinks of the town Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. Therefore we have decided to go with the flow and create main logotype of the name Rožnov. Since the current world is fast and noBy adding "pod Radhoštěm", we developed the idea of different adjectives helping us describe uniqueness of the town. 
Regarding to the tradition and history of the city, the main logotype is designed to harmonize well with the city emblem and is inspired by Rožnov folk culture. The logotype is based on the sans serif Gopher typeface, which is modern, visually clean. Furthermore thanks to its inverted strokes it is playfull and easy to remember. 
The classic geometric shapes in the symbol may speak more to the elderly population, as they refer to the traditional concept of historic buildings and folk culture, while its playful changes suggest that living in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm or visiting this city will definitely not be boring.
Examples of the adjective written bellow describes the colorful spirit of the city, its culture, history, the life of its inhabitants. They can be used to point to monuments, places, traditions or nature. Symbol in letter O vary with different adjectives.

Rožnov + preposition + noun

Rožnov pod Radhoštěm
             pro lidi / děti
             v srdci Valašska
             všemi smysly
             z ptačí perspektivy
             během letních prázdnin
             podle pověsti
             v létě
             mezi kopci
             bez smogu

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